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Mastering Bitcoin Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies By Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download

Our first book is from Andreas Antonopoulos and is called "Mastering Bitcoin" and it does exactly what is says on the tin. This is a great way to ease yourself into the more complex terminology under the hood of bitcoin. The author's clear mastery of the topic goes a long way in his clear explanations to readers. You learn the basics of how bitcoin works and move through into the different transaction types and why they are used - also a good look at multi-signature wallets and other such key bitcoin tech. Another bonus in the book are the clear diagrams the are easy to follow. A key primer for those wanting to get to grips with the tech in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. New versions are updated all the time to stay up to date with the fast moving world of bitcoin.

Want to join the technological revolution that's taking the world of finance by storm? Mastering Bitcoin is your guide through the seemingly complex world of bitcoin, providing the requisite knowledge to help you participate in the internet of money. Whether you're building the next killer app, investing in a startup, or simply curious about the technology, this practical book is essential reading.

Bitcoin, the first successful decentralized digital currency, is still in its infancy and it's already spawned a multi-billion dollar global economy. This economy is open to anyone with the knowledge and passion to participate. Mastering Bitcoin provides you with the knowledge you need (passion not included).

This book includes:

  • A broad introduction to bitcoin-ideal for non-technical users, investors, and business executives

  • An explanation of the technical foundations of bitcoin and cryptographic currencies for developers, engineers, and software and systems architects

  • Details of the bitcoin decentralized network, peer-to-peer architecture, transaction lifecycle, and security principles

  • Offshoots of the bitcoin and blockchain inventions, including alternative chains, currencies, and applications

  • User stories, analogies, examples, and code snippets illustrating key technical concepts

Product details:

ISBN: 9781449374044
ISBN-10: 1449374042 
Audience: Professional 
Format: Paperback 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 298
Published: 27th December 2014
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA 
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 18.1  x 1.6 
Weight (kg): 0.53 

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Blockchain: The Blockchain For Beginners Guide To Blockchain Technology And Leveraging Blockchain Programming by Josh Thompsons pdf download
Ethereum: A look into the world of Ethereum and how to trade and invest this cryptocurrency! by Ben Abner pdf download
Investing in Ethereum: The Essential Guide to Profiting from Cryptocurrencies by Jeff Reed pdf download
Blockchain: The Complete Guide to Understanding Blockchain Technology by Miles Price pdf download
The Age of Cryptocurrency How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order pdf download
Bitcoin and Blockchain Security By: Ghassan O. Karame, Elli Androulaki pdf download
Introducing Ethereum and Solidity by Chris Dannen pdf download
Bitcoin Brilliance: Begin Your Online Bitcoin Trading Adventure: 7 Days Beginner's Guide by Justin Marx pdf download
Digital Currencies How They Work: And How to MakeMoney with Digital Currencies by Alexander Osorio Munera pdf download
Mastering Bitcoin Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies By Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download
Digital Gold The Untold Story of Bitcoin By Nathaniel Popper pdf download
Mastering Bitcoin Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies By Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download
Understanding Bitcoin Cryptography, Engineering and Economics By: Pedro Franco pdf download
Blockchain: Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investing in Ethereum, FinTech by Jeff Reed pdf download
Investing in Ethereum: The Ultimate Guide to Learning-and Profiting from-Cryptocurrencies by Oscar Flynt pdf download
Bitcoin: How to Get, Send and Receive Bitcoins Anonymously by Evan Lane pdf download
Blockchain For Dummies by Tiana Laurence pdf download
The Internet of Money by Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download
Digital Gold The Untold Story of Bitcoin B Nathaniel Popper pdf download

   Nathaniel Popper has written a number of key articles on the bitcoin space for the New York Times. This book was a long-term investigation into the people making bitcoin happen and strings various threads from Xapo and Wences Casares journey to Charlie Shrem and Mark Karpeles at Mt Gox. A brilliant writing style keeps you hooked as the various intricacies and unfolding stories of bitcoins timeline are unraveled. This is one of the key books on bitcoin to get a full understanding of how it got to where it is today.

ISBN: 9780241181003
ISBN-10: 0241181003 
Audience: Professional 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 416
Published: 19th May 2015
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd 

A New York Times technology and business reporter charts the dramatic rise of Bitcoin and the fascinating personalities who are striving to create a new global money for the Internet age.

Digital Gold is New York Times reporter Nathaniel Popper's brilliant and engrossing history of Bitcoin, the landmark digital money and financial technology that has spawned a global social movement.

The notion of a new currency, maintained by the computers of users around the world, has been the butt of many jokes, but that has not stopped it from growing into a technology worth billions of dollars, supported by the hordes of followers who have come to view it as the most important new idea since the creation of the Internet. Believers from Beijing to Buenos Aires see the potential for a financial system free from banks and governments. More than just a tech industry fad, Bitcoin has threatened to decentralize some of society's most basic institutions.

An unusual tale of group invention, Digital Gold charts the rise of the Bitcoin technology through the eyes of the movement's colorful central characters, including an Argentinian millionaire, a Chinese entrepreneur, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, and Bitcoin's elusive creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Already, Bitcoin has led to untold riches for some, and prison terms for others.

Product details:

Digital Currencies How They Work: And How to MakeMoney with Digital Currencies by Alexander Osorio Munera pdf download
Handbook of Digital Currency Bitcoin, Innovation, Financial Instruments, and Big Data pdf download
Digital Gold The Untold Story of Bitcoin B Nathaniel Popper pdf download

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Digital Gold The Untold Story of Bitcoin By Nathaniel Popper pdf download
Bitcoin - The Future of Money? By Dominic Frisby pdf download

Another key book on the Bitcoin space from the Author Dominic Frisby. The book tries to unravel the mystery of who exactly is Satoshi Nakamoto. Printed before Craig Wrights attempt at usurping the title - Dominic Frisby searches the length and breadth of the bitcoin world from meet ups to interviews with key people in the industry. As he unravels and explains how the industry works he moves through various participants giving the arguments for and against them being Satoshi Nakamoto - through insightful detective work and even looking at linguistic analysis. A thrilling read all round that gets to grips with Bitcoin's genesis and gently explains to the reader its potential and history.

How to Become a Bitcoin Millionaire: How to Start your Altcoin Portfolio Today for Under $100 (Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and Altcoin Investing) pdf download
Ethereum - Distributed Consensus by Alex Leverington pdf download
A look into the world of Ethereum and how to trade and invest this cryptocurrency

Product details:

Following the economic crisis of 2008 a website was registered by a computer programmer called Satoshi Nakamoto - A new form of money was born: electronic cash. Does Bitcoin have the potential to change how the world transacts financially? Does Bitcoin have the potential to change the world? Is it just a passing fad or is it a major scam?


Dominic's new book explains what it is, how it came about and features interviews with some of the key players in Bitcoin's development and examines some of the mysteries behind Bitcoin. Frisby considers the potential economic, political and social implications of this new currency and tells it in an engaging style that reads like a thriller.

Bitcoin - The Future of Money? By Dominic Frisby pdf download

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ISBN: 9781783520763
ISBN-10: 1783520760 
Audience: General 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 304
Published: 1st November 2014
Publisher: Random House 

Bitcoin - The Future of Money? By: Dominic Frisby pdf download

This is more of a book on the shifting sands in the currency world - that looks at pre-bitcoin and alternative virtual currencies. From gaming through to initial pushes on e-gold the author shows the potential for the virtual world to create a whole new ecosystem for money to be traded and value to be assigned.

ISBN: 9780300187410
ISBN-10: 0300187416 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 320
Published: 19th May 2014
Edition Number: 1

Private currencies have always existed, from notes printed by individual banks to the S&H Green Stamps that consumers once redeemed for household items. Today's economy has seen an explosion of new forms of monetary exchange not created by the federal government. Credit card companies offer points that can be traded in for a variety of goods and services, from airline miles to online store credit. Online game creators have devised new mediums of electronic exchange that turn virtual money into real money. Meanwhile, real money is increasingly going digital, where it competes with ?private currencies like Bitcoin. The virtual and the real economic worlds are intermingling more than ever before, raising the possibility that this new money might eventually replace the government-run system of dollars, euros, and yen.

Edward Castronova is the leading researcher in this field, a founder of scholarly online game studies and an expert on the economies of virtual worlds. In this dynamic and essential work, he explores the current phenomenon of virtual currencies and what it will mean legally, politically, and economically in the future. In doing so, he provides a fascinating, often surprising discourse on the meaning of money itself-what it is, what we think it is, and how we relate to it on an emotional level.

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Bitcoin - The Future of Money? By: Dominic Frisby pdf download
Blockchain: Step By Step Guide To Understanding The Blockchain Revolution And The Technology Behind It by Mark Smith pdf download
Blockchain - Blueprint for a New Economy By: Melanie Swan pdf download

If you're more interested in the blockchain itself then Melanie Swan's book on bitcoin is the primer for you as she elaborates on all the various use cases for the blockchain technology behind bitcoin. Although technical this book has to be with such a complex topic being dealt with to such a deep level. She clearly explains the various elements that can be built on top of a blockchain - for example identity-based systems - democratic voting models and decentralized autonomous organizations in all their flavors.

ISBN: 9781491920459
ISBN-10: 1491920459 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 152
Published: 23rd January 2015

Bitcoin is starting to come into its own as a digital currency, but the blockchain technology behind it could prove to be much more significant. This book takes you beyond the currency ("Blockchain 1.0") and smart contracts ("Blockchain 2.0") to demonstrate how the blockchain is in position to become the fifth disruptive computing paradigm after mainframes, PCs, the Internet, and mobile/social networking.

Author Melanie Swan, Founder of the Institute for Blockchain Studies, explains that the blockchain is essentially a public ledger with potential as a worldwide, decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of all assets—not just finances, but property and intangible assets such as votes, software, health data, and ideas.

Topics include:

  • Concepts, features, and functionality of Bitcoin and the blockchain

  • Using the blockchain for automated tracking of all digital endeavors

  • Enabling censorship?resistant organizational models

  • Creating a decentralized digital repository to verify identity

  • Possibility of cheaper, more efficient services traditionally provided by nations

  • Blockchain for science: making better use of the data-mining network

  • Personal health record storage, including access to one’s own genomic data

  • Open access academic publishing on the blockchain

This book is part of an ongoing O’Reilly series. Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Crypto-Currencies introduces Bitcoin and describes the technology behind Bitcoin and the blockchain. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy considers theoretical, philosophical, and societal impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

Blockchain - Blueprint for a New Economy By: Melanie Swan pdf download

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The Business Blockchain Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology By: William Mougayar, Vitalik Buterin

A more recent book published in 2016 and so up to date with present industry trends and information. The book aims to give users a clearer and more gentle introduction to the world of blockchain and its potential with explanations of what the different types of blockchain we are going to see appearing in our everyday lives. Looking at the different classifications from private to public blockchain as well as the wider societal impacts it will have. In all a well written and exciting look at what blockchain can do.

The Business Blockchain charts new territory in advancing our understanding of the blockchain by unpacking its elements like no other before. William Mougayar anticipates a future that consists of thousands, if not millions of blockchains that

will enable not only frictionless value exchange, but also a new flow of value, redefining roles, relationships, power and governance. In this book, Mougayar makes two other strategic assertions. First, the blockchain has polymorphic characteristics; its application will result in a multiplicity of effects. Second, we shouldn't ask ourselves what problems the blockchain solves, because that gives us a narrow view on its potential. Rather, we should imagine new opportunities, and tackle even more ambitious problems that cross organizational, regulatory and mental boundaries. 

Drawing on 34 years of technology industry experience as an executive, analyst, consultant, entrepreneur, startup mentor, author, blogger, educator, thought leader and investor, William Mougayar describes a future that is influenced by fundamental shifts brought by blockchain technology as the catalyst for change. William Mougayar has been described as the most sophisticated blockchain business thinker. He is a blockchain industry insider whose work has already shaped and influenced the understanding of blockchain for people around the world, via his generous blogging and rigorous research insights. He is a direct participant in the crypto-technology market, working alongside startups, entrepreneurs, pioneers, leaders, innovators, creators, enterprise executives and practitioners; in addition to being an investor, advisor, and board member in some of the leading organizations in this space, such as the Ethereum Foundation, OpenBazaar and Coin Center.

The Business Blockchain. Promise, Practice and Application of the Next Internet Technology pdf download

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ISBN: 9781119300335
ISBN-10: 1119300339 
Audience: General 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 208
Published: 26th April 2016
Publisher: Wiley 
Country of Publication: US
Edition Number: 1

The Bitcoin Bible by:Benjamin Guttmann pdf download

This is a sort of almanac of bitcoin stories with various angles and short but information-rich stories and snippets - various contributing authors and give the book its style and flavor. The book covers key people - the nature of VC funding in the industry - key partnerships that industry players have made - a look at mining chips - the wealth distribution effect in bitcoin and more. Again a clear style means the book is a pick up - read a chapter and learn something new to flesh out your understanding of another small corner of the bitcoin ecosystem. Well worth sticking on your shelf.

The editor of The Bitcoin Bible, Benjamin Guttmann, is currently among the leading experts regarding crypto currencies in general and Bitcoins specifically. He is a journalist, concentrating mainly on politics and economic topics. The book consists partly of his own analysis and insight about Bitcoin and partly of articles collected from the most prominent and knowledgeable experts and authors and media on this topic.

The Bitcoin Bible is probably the most comprehensive book on Bitocins on the market. In over 200 pages the book describes easy to understand, but in depth all the wide-ranging aspects of Bitcoins. Contributers are: Alec Liu, Vitalik Buterin, Bitcoin Magazine Danny Ashton, Daniel Stuckey, Elizabeth Ploshay, Bitcoin Magazine, Citizentekk Jonathan Stacke, Blockchain John Biggs, Techcrunch Ryan Broderick, Motherboard Greg Thomas, Motherboard Pater Tenebrarum at Jake Maxwell Watts, Quartz

Paperback: 250 pages

Publisher: Books on Demand (25 Nov. 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 3732284328

ISBN-13: 978-3732284320

Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 1.3 x 20.3 cm

Amazon Bestsellers Rank: 2,133,278 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The Bitcoin Bible by:Benjamin Guttmann pdf download

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The Bitcoin Bible by:Benjamin Guttmann pdf download

Murder for hire. Drug trafficking. Embezzlement. Money laundering. These might sound like plot lines of a thriller, but they are true stories from the short history of cryptocurrencies - digital currencies conceived by computer hackers and cryptographers that represent a completely new sort of financial transaction that could soon become mainstream.

The most famous - or infamous - cryptocurrency is bitcoin. But look beyond its tarnished reputation and something much shinier emerges. The technology that underlies bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies - the blockchain - is hailed as the greatest advancement since the invention of the internet. It is now moving away from being the backbone for a digital currency and making inroads into other core concepts of society: identity, ownership and even the rule of law.

The End of Money is your essential introduction to this transformative new technology that has governments, entrepreneurs and forward-thinking people from all walks of life sitting up and taking notice.

New Scientist Instant Expert books are definitive and accessible entry points to the most important subjects in science; subjects that challenge, attract debate, invite controversy and engage the most enquiring minds. Designed for curious readers who want to know how things work and why, the Instant Expert series explores the topics that really matter and their impact on individuals, society, and the planet, translating the scientific complexities around us into language that's open to everyone, and putting new ideas and discoveries into perspective and context.

ISBN: 9781473629547
ISBN-10: 1473629543 
Series: New Scientist Instant Expert
Audience: General 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 224
Published: 20th April 2017
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton 
Edition Type: Digital original

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The End of Money The story of bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution pdf download
Bitcoin For Dummies pdf download

Bitcoin For Dummies is the fast, easy way to start trading crypto currency, with clear explanations and expert advice for breaking into this exciting new market. Understanding the mechanisms and risk behind Bitcoin can be a challenge, but this book breaks it down into easy-to-understand language to give you a solid grasp of just where your money is going. You'll learn the details of Bitcoin trading, how to set up your Bitcoin wallet, and everything you need to get started right away. An in-depth discussion on security shows you how to protect yourself against some of the riskier aspects of this open-source platform, helping you reduce your risks in the market and use Bitcoin safely and effectively.

Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks, with transaction management and issuing of Bitcoins carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin allows easy mobile payments, fast international payments, low- or no-fee transactions, multi-signature capabilities, and more, but the nuances of the market can be difficult to grasp. This informative guide lays it all out in plain English, so you can strengthen your understanding and get started now.

  • Understand the ins and outs of the Bitcoin market

  • Learn how to set up your Bitcoin wallet

  • Protect yourself against fraud and theft

  • Get started trading this exciting new currency

The Bitcoin market is huge, growing quickly, and packed with potential. There's also some risk, so you need to go in fully informed and take steps to manage your risk wisely. Bitcoin For Dummies is the clear, quick, easy-to-follow guide to getting started with Bitcoin.

Bitcoin For Dummies pdf download

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ISBN: 9781119076148
ISBN-10: 1119076145 
Audience: General 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 208
Published: 21st March 2016
Publisher: Wiley 
Country of Publication: US
Edition Number: 1

Understanding Bitcoin Cryptography, Engineering and Economics By: Pedro Franco pdf download
Understanding Bitcoin Cryptography, Engineering and Economics By: Pedro Franco pdf download

Discover Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that has the finance world buzzing

Bitcoin is arguably one of the biggest developments in finance since the advent of fiat currency. With Understanding Bitcoin, expert author Pedro Franco provides finance professionals with a complete technical guide and resource to the cryptography, engineering and economic development of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This comprehensive, yet accessible work fully explores the supporting economic realities and technological advances of Bitcoin, and presents positive and negative arguments from various economic schools regarding its continued viability.

This authoritative text provides a step-by-step description of how Bitcoin works, starting with public key cryptography and moving on to explain transaction processing, the blockchain and mining technologies. This vital resource reviews Bitcoin from the broader perspective of digital currencies and explores historical attempts at cryptographic currencies. Bitcoin is, after all, not just a digital currency; it's a modern approach to the secure transfer of value using cryptography. This book is a detailed guide to what it is, how it works, and how it just may jumpstart a change in the way digital value changes hands.

  • Understand how Bitcoin works, and the technology behind it

  • Delve into the economics of Bitcoin, and its impact on the financial industry

  • Discover alt-coins and other available cryptocurrencies

  • Explore the ideas behind Bitcoin 2.0 technologies

  • Learn transaction protocols, micropayment channels, atomic cross-chain trading, and more

ISBN: 9781119019145
ISBN-10: 1119019141 
Series: The Wiley Finance Series
Audience: General 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 288
Published: 21st October 2014
Publisher: Wiley 
Country of Publication: GB
Edition Number: 1

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The Bitcoin Big Bang How Alternative Currencies Are About to Change the World By: Brian Kelly pdf download

Get a handle on the digital currency revolution, and learn how to get on board

The Bitcoin Big Bang is a guide to navigating the uncharted territory of digital currency. Written by CNBC contributor Brian Kelly, this book goes beyond Bitcoin 101 to explain how this transformative technology is about to change the world. Digital currency is thrown into perspective against the history of payment systems and its own evolution, as readers are invited to explore the ways in which this technology is already changing the way business gets done. Readers gain insight into the mechanisms behind Bitcoin, and an expert perspective on digital currency's effect on the future of money and the economic implications of the Bitcoin revolution.

In the same way that e-mail changed the way we transfer information, the decentralized Bitcoin network is about to revolutionize the business world, the legal profession, and even the role of the government. The Bitcoin Big Bang dives head first into this paradigm shift, allowing readers to:

  • Explore the origins of digital currency

  • Learn the history and evolution of payment systems

  • Discover how the Bitcoin network is facilitating free and instant transfer of value

  • Understand the mining of Bitcoin, and how to invest

The digital currency revolution has implications that spread far beyond the finance industry. Anyone who exchanges payment for goods and services is on the cusp of the next big push in societal evolution, and only an understanding of the technology and a clear knowledge of the systems and behaviors at play can fully prepare us for the changes to come. The Bitcoin Big Bang is the go-to guide, helping those who use money use it better.

The Bitcoin Big Bang How Alternative Currencies Are About to Change the World By: Brian Kelly pdf download

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ISBN: 9781118963654
ISBN-10: 1118963652 
Audience: General 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 240
Published: 3rd November 2014
Publisher: Wiley 
Country of Publication: US
Edition Number: 1

Crypto currency The future of money By: Paul Vigna, Michael J.Casey pdf download

The system that governs how money works, with its brokers and middlemen, has stayed roughly the same for centuries. Now there's an alternative, and it puts us on the cusp of a revolution that could reshape our world.

At the heart of this lie cryptocurrencies, a technology with the transformative potential of the printing press or the internet. They bypass the elites and cut out the gatekeepers. Unlike traditional money they're peer-to-peer, they don't have a nationality, they're digital and democratic. They are also lawless.

For the Afghani woman denied a bank account by a repressive society, or any of the world's 2.5 billion unbanked individuals, cryptocurrencies open new possibilities. What would a world without banks or credit cards or even national currencies look like for all of us?

From Silicon Valley to the streets of Beijing, this is a book about a revolution in the making, a story of human invention, and a guide to the future.

ISBN: 9781473521155
ISBN-10: 1473521157 
Audience: General 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 320
Published: 29th January 2015
Publisher: Random House 
Edition Number: 1

Crypto currency The future of money By: Paul Vigna, Michael J.Casey pdf download

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Blockchain Revolution How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business and the World pdf download

The first book to explain why blockchain technology will fundamentally change our lives

Blockchain is the ingeniously simple technology that powers Bitcoin. But it is much more than that, too. It is a public ledger to which everyone has access, but which no single person controls. It allows for companies and individuals to collaborate with an unprecedented degree of trust and transparency. It is cryptographically secure, but fundamentally open. And soon it will be everywhere.

In Blockchain Revolution, Don and Alex Tapscott reveal how this game-changing technology will shape the future of the world economy, dramatically improving everything from healthcare records to online voting, and from insurance claims to artist royalty payments. Brilliantly researched and highly accessible, this is the essential text on the next major paradigm shift. Read it, or be left behind.

Don Tapscott is one of the most influential living theorists about business and society. He is the bestselling author of Wikinomics, The Digital Economy, and a dozen other acclaimed books about tech­nology, business, and society.

Alex Tapscott is the CEO and founder of Northwest Passage Ventures, an advisory firm building blockchain companies. Previously, he worked for seven years in investment banking in New York and Toronto.

ISBN: 9780241237878
ISBN-10: 0241237874 
Audience: Professional 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 252
Published: 10th May 2016
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd 

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Blockchain Revolution How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business and the World pdf download
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The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin By: Michael R. Miller pdf download
The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin By: Michael R. Miller pdf download

Bitcoin: it’s the worldwide virtual currency everyone’s talking about. But most explanations of Bitcoin are completely bewildering—they’re either written by people in thrall with it or by those appalled by the very notion of an alternative currency. What’s the real story? How does Bitcoin work? Where did it come from? What’s it good for? How do you get, store, and spend Bitcoins? And should you?


The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin answers all your questions—honestly, objectively, and in plain English. Michael Miller has spent his life demystifying complicated ideas and technologies: he’s helped more than 1,000,000 readers in over 150 easy-tounderstand books. Now, he explains Bitcoin in ways everyone can understand.


Miller will help you decide for yourself if Bitcoin should be part of your life. And if the answer is “Yes,” he’ll help you make the most of it!

  • Is Bitcoin the currency of the future—or just the latest scam?

  • Why does anyone think Bitcoins have value?

  • Are Bitcoins legal?

  • Are Bitcoins really untraceable?

  • How and where can I buy Bitcoins?

  • How do I choose a Bitcoin exchange?

  • How do I find out what my Bitcoins are worth?

  • Can I trade Bitcoin just like other currencies?

  • Can I really mine my own new Bitcoins?

  • Is Bitcoin taxable?

  • Where should I store my Bitcoins?

  • How much Bitcoin fraud and theft really exists?

  • Which merchants accept Bitcoin?

  • How safe—or risky—is Bitcoin?

  • How does Bitcoin compare to other virtual currencies?

  • What’s the future of Bitcoin?

ISBN: 9780133581379
ISBN-10: 0133581373 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 240
Published: 8th October 2014
Edition Number: 1

The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin By: Michael R. Miller pdf download

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Handbook of Digital Currency Bitcoin, Innovation, Financial Instruments, and Big Data pdf download

Incorporating currencies, payment methods, and protocols that computers use to talk to each other, digital currencies are poised to grow in use and importance. TheHandbook of Digital Currency gives readers a way to learn about subjects outside their specialties and provides authoritative background and tools for those whose primary source of information is journal articles. Taking a cross-country perspective, its comprehensive view of the field includes history, technicality, IT, finance, economics, legal, tax and regulatory environment. For those who come from different backgrounds with different questions in mind, The Handbook of Digital Currencyis an essential starting point.

  • Discusses all major strategies and tactics associated with digital currencies, their uses, and their regulations

  • Presents future scenarios for the growth of digital currencies

  • Written for regulators, crime prevention units, tax authorities, entrepreneurs, micro-financiers, micro-payment businesses, cryptography experts, software developers, venture capitalists, hedge fund managers, hardware manufacturers, credit card providers, money changers, remittance service providers, exchanges, and academics

Handbook of Digital Currency Bitcoin, Innovation, Financial Instruments, and Big Data pdf download

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ISBN: 2370006650935
ISBN-10: 2370006650 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 612
Published: 5th May 2015
Edition Number: 1

Bitcoin Essentials By: Albert Szmigielski pdf download

Bitcoin Essentials by by Albert Szmigielski This Bitcoin Essentials book is not really ordinary book, you have it then the world is in your hands. The benefit you get by reading this book is actually information inside this reserve incredible fresh, you will get information which is getting deeper an individual read a lot of information you will get. This kind of Bitcoin Essentials without we recognize teach the one who looking at it become critical in imagining and analyzing. Don’t be worry Bitcoin Essentials can bring any time you are and not make your tote space or bookshelves’ grow to be full because you can have it inside your lovely laptop even cell phone. This Bitcoin Essentials having great arrangement in word and layout, so you will not really feel uninterested in reading.

by Albert Szmigielski : Bitcoin Essentials ISBN : #1785281976 | Date : 2016-02-22 Description : PDF-0953d | Key FeaturesLearn how to use the advanced features of Bitcoin walletsSet up your Bitcoin mining operations to mine with efficiencyExplore what the future holds for mining and blockchains in this pragmatic guideBook DescriptionBlockchain is being billed as the technology of the future. Bitcoin is the first application of that technology. Mining is what makes it all possible. Exploring mining from a... Bitcoin Essentials

Bitcoin Essentials By: Albert Szmigielski pdf download

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ISBN: 9781785284670
ISBN-10: 1785284673 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 130
Published: 22nd February 2016
Edition Number: 1

Learning Bitcoin By: Richard Caetano pdf download

The financial crisis of 2008 raised attention to the need for transparency and accountability in the financial world. As banks and governments were scrambling to stay solvent while seeking a sustainable plan, a powerfully new and resilient technology emerged.

Bitcoin, built on a fundamentally new technology called “The Blockchain,” offered the promise of a new financial system where transactions are sent directly between two parties without the need for central control.

Bitcoin exists as an open and transparent financial system without banks, governments, or corporate support. Simply put, Bitcoin is “programmable money” that has the potential to change the world on the same scale as the Internet itself.

This book arms you with immense knowledge of Bitcoin and helps you implement the technology in your money matters, enabling secure transactions.

We first walk through the fundamentals of Bitcoin, illustrate how the technology works, and exemplify how to interact with this powerful and new financial technology. You will learn how to set up your online Bitcoin wallet, indulge in buying and selling of bitcoins, and manage their storage. We then get to grips with the most powerful algorithm of all times: the Blockchain, and learn how crypto-currencies can reduce the risk of fraud for e-commerce merchants and consumers.

With a solid base of Blockchain, you will write and execute your own custom transactions. Most importantly, you will be able to protect and secure your Bitcoin with the help of effective solutions provided in the book. Packed with plenty of screenshots, Learning Bitcoin is a simple and painless guide to working with Bitcoin.

What You Will Learn

  • Set up your wallet and buy a Bitcoin in a flash while understanding the basics of addresses and transactions

  • Acquire the knack of buying, selling, and trading Bitcoins with online marketplaces

  • Secure and protect your Bitcoins from online theft using Brainwallets and cold storage

  • Understand how Bitcoin’s underlying technology, the Blockchain, works with simple illustrations and explanations

  • Configure your own Bitcoin node and execute common operations on the network

  • Discover various aspects of mining Bitcoin and how to set up your own mining rig

  • Dive deeper into Bitcoin and write scripts and multi-signature transactions on the network

  • Explore the various alt-coins and get to know how to compare them and their value

Richard Caetano

Richard Caetano is an entrepreneur and software developer living in Paris, France, and was originally raised on a dairy farm in the middle of California. He discovered a strong interest in software development at an early age. Over the years, he has designed and developed systems ranging from agriculture process automation and government accounting to high-tech security, digital music, and mobile video games.

In 2011, Richard found the Bitcoin whitepaper and experienced a paradigm shift. After realizing the potential of this new technology, he changed course, and since then has been evangelizing this powerful new technology to the world.

He launched an early application called btcReport, which leverages good design to bring news and information to those interested in Bitcoin. Since then, he has been speaking at conferences and meetings to help spread the word about Bitcoin.

In 2015, he launched Stratumn, a company focused on helping developers build transparent, easy-to-audit, and secure applications by using the blockchain, the technology that powers the Bitcoin currency.

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Learning Bitcoin By: Richard Caetano pdf download
Learning Bitcoin By: Richard Caetano pdf download
Bitcoin and Blockchain Security By: Ghassan O. Karame, Elli Androulaki pdf download

"This comprehensive new resource presents a thorough overview and analysis of the security and privacy provisions of Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain clients. This book goes beyond the analysis of reported vulnerabilities of Bitcoin by evaluating a number of countermeasures to deter threats on the system. Readers are given concrete solutions and recommendations on the best practices to use when relying on Bitcoin as a payment method. This resource provides a clear explanation of assumptions governing the security of Bitcoin including the scalability measures adopted in Bitcoin, privacy for clients including potential threats lightweight clients have on other users, and the proper means of securing Bitcoin wallets. Readers learn how the security and privacy provisions of other blockchain technologies compare to Bitcoin and the security lessons learned after extensive research of Bitcoin since the inception of the currency. "

ISBN: 9781630814335
ISBN-10: 1630814334 
Format: ePUB 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 240
Published: 1st October 2016
Edition Number: 1

Bitcoin and Blockchain Security By: Ghassan O. Karame, Elli Androulaki pdf download
Bitcoin and Blockchain Security By: Ghassan O. Karame, Elli Androulaki pdf download

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How Money Got Free Bitcoin and the Fight for the Future of Finance pdf download

In the space of a few years, Bitcoin has gone from an idea ignored or maligned by almost everyone to an asset with a market cap of more than $12 billion. Venture capital firms, Goldman Sachs, the New York Stock Exchange, and billionaires such as Richard Branson and Peter Thiel have invested more than $1 billion in companies built on this groundbreaking technology. Bill Gates has even declared it ‘better than currency’. 
But can its early promise endure? Or will the next evolution of money be neutered as it goes mainstream? The pioneers of Bitcoin were twenty-first-century outlaws – cryptographers, hackers, Free Staters, ex-cons and drug dealers, teenage futurists and self-taught entrepreneurs – armed with a renegade ideology and a grudge against big government and big banks. Now those same institutions are threatening to co-opt or curtail the impact of digital currency. But the pioneers, some of whom have become millionaires themselves, aren’t going down without a fight. Sweeping and provocative, How Money Got Free reveals how this disruptive technology is shaping the debate around competing ideas of money and liberty, and what that means for our future. 

About the Author
Brian Patrick Eha is a former editor at Entrepreneur and a journalist who has spent nearly five years following the rise of Bitcoin. His work has been published by the New Yorker, the Atlantic, Fortune, CNNMoney, American Banker, Outside, Port, Avaunt, and the Los Angeles Review of Books, among other publications. He lives in New York City.

How Money Got Free Bitcoin and the Fight for the Future of Finance pdf download

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ISBN: 9781780746586
ISBN-10: 178074658X 
Audience: General 
Format: Paperback 
Language: English 
Number Of Pages: 320
Published: 6th February 2015
Publisher: Oneworld Publications 
Country of Publication: GB
Dimensions (cm): 23.4 x 15.3  x 3.6 
Weight (kg): 0.71 
Edition Number: 1

The Age of Cryptocurrency How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order pdf download

Given the narrow lens through which the online payment system known as Bitcoin is typically presented, casual observers could be forgiven for mistaking it for a white, libertarian cult revolving around the idol Satoshi Nakamoto. Much of the media coverage of the digital currency phenomenon can be summarized as either an elaborate musing on the real-life identity of Nakamoto or something that reads like a multilevel marketing scheme. The Age of Cryptocurrency is a welcome break from this tradition. The fi rst part of the book discusses how Bitcoin works technically, as well as some history behind the centralized digital currencies that predated it. It begins with a tale about Afghani women, empowered through Bitcoin to earn and save their own money. (Although traditional banking systems in Afghanistan do not serve women, using Bitcoin only requires one to have computer access.) The book goes on to tell other stories about the Bitcoin user base, taking the reader from a hacker cooperative in San Francisco, California, that is building the next generation of Bitcoin applications to a money changer in Barbados who is using Bitcoin to avoid currency controls. The general theme stays the same despite the situation: Bitcoin subverts the mainstream banking system, af ording the user more control over his or her money. Technical details are interwoven with stories about the people behind the enabling technology. We are introduced to the “cypherpunks,” a mailing list of cryptography-inclined people who write code to incite social change, of which Nakamoto is a part. Here, the authors cannot resist musing about the identity of the mysterious, pseudonymous Bitcoin creator. 

Many of the important people involved in this movement are subjected to an analysis of why they may or may not be Nakamoto, and we are left to wonder whether he or she is an infl uential cryptographer, a designer of a centralized digital currency, or perhaps even a group of individuals from these communities. Although most of the book is dedicated to the (arguably) good things that Bitcoin enables, the authors also delve into the troubles facing the digital currency movement. We mourn the demise of the first major Bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox, which was launched in July 2010 in Tokyo and handled 70% of all Bitcoin trading by 2013. After being hacked numerous times, it finally collapsed in early 2014. We also learn about a mysterious entrepreneur known by the pseudonym “Dread Pirate Roberts” and the online marketplace he created, known as the Silk Road. Shut down in late 2013, the Silk Road exclusively accepted Bitcoin (and predominantly sold drugs). The authors cite it as a key player in the introduction of Bitcoin to the masses. In October 2013, Roberts was identified as Ross Ulbricht, a Texas native living in San Francisco. On 29 May 2015, Ulbricht was sentenced to life in prison for his role in operating the Silk Road. The book ends on an optimistic note. We are left with a vision of the future as a peer-to-peer world, where the ideologies of Bitcoin are not just confined to payments but spread across other industries. As the authors proclaim, “[w]e may well be on the verge of a profound societal upheaval, perhaps the most significant since the sixteenth century.” We might. Or perhaps Bitcoin will go the way of peer-to-peer music file sharing on Napster, which gave way to the centralized iTunes service. Only time will tell.

The Age of Cryptocurrency How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order pdf download

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The Age of Cryptocurrency How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order pdf download
Digital Currencies How They Work: And How to MakeMoney with Digital Currencies by Alexander Osorio Munera pdf download

Do you want to understand what digital currencies are? Do you want to invest in Bitcoin or any other type of digital money but you are not sure about how they work and how they can make you money? Do you want to know why this kind of technology has made so many millionaires during the last decade? Would you like to know whether you still can become a millionaire with digital currencies? This book will give you very useful information you can use to take decisions about whether to invest or not in Bitcoin, Etherium or any other currency.

Digital Currencies How They Work: And How to MakeMoney with Digital Currencies by Alexander Osorio Munera pdf download

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Bitcoin Brilliance: Begin Your Online Bitcoin Trading Adventure: 7 Days Beginner's Guide by Justin Marx pdf download
by Justin Marx pdf download

The currency market is very lucrative. However, with the global market abating and fluctuating every day, trading in fiat currencies such as the Dollar ($), Pound (£), etc. is not as profitable today as it has been in the past. On the other hand, the crypto-currency trade has never been more lucrative than it is now. Although there are many crypto currencies, Bitcoin trading is a favourite of many currency traders. This is perhaps because other than being profitable, there are different ways of earning or mining Bitcoins in readiness for a trade. Successful trading in crypto currencies or fiat currencies demands a meticulous trading strategy built around maximizing success probabilities and mitigating risk. This is not always easy especially in cases where trading profitability or lack thereof solely depends on how prepared or well informed a trader is. Although the crypto currency trade (bitcoin trading to be specific) is very profitable, it is only profitable to those who know everything there is to know about bitcoin trading, strategies to use while trading, how to mitigate trading risk factors, and those who know how to maximize their trades for better profitability. Information is power. In this book, I'll give you the power you need to become a successful Bitcoin trader. This booklet: 'Bitcoin Brilliance: Begin Your Online Bitcoin Trading Adventure - 7 Days Beginner's Guide' will walk you through all the bitcoin trading strategies you need to start your Bitcoin trading venture, walk you through different trading styles, and teach you how to mitigate your trading risks and thus maximize your trading profits.

Here Is A Preview Of What You Can Expect To Learn:

  • Basic Information About Bitcoin Trading

  • How To Interpret Bitcoin Trading Charts

  • Bitcoins Trading Styles And Strategies

  • How To Create Your Very Own Bitcoin Trading Strategy

  • Technical And Fundamental Analysis In Bitcoin Trading

  • Bitcoin Position Sizing

  • Bitcoin Trading Risk Management

  • And Much, Much More!

Bitcoin Brilliance: Begin Your Online Bitcoin Trading Adventure: 7 Days Beginner's Guide by Justin Marx pdf download

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How to Become a Bitcoin Millionaire: How to Start your Altcoin Portfolio Today for Under $100 (Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and Altcoin Investing) pdf download

by Ashley

How to Start your Altcoin Portfolio Today for under $100.


Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Altcoins are the future.

This small book will show you, step by step, how to start your own personal investment in Altcoins.

Starting with as little as $100, $50 or even $20.

Using PayPal or Credit Card. No complicated

trading on the Cryptocurrency Exchanges.

You do not need any special training, you do not need previous experience in trading stocks and shares.

All you need is:

1.The ability to read this book (which should take all of 30 minutes, it is only 49 pages and contains less than 4,000 words, with no technical stuff, you can learn that yourself as you move forward),

2. A computer with internet access,

3. A credit card or a PayPal account and,

4. $100, $50 or as little as $20 to invest, that’s it.

No catches, no tricks, no double speak. This could truly change your life. So now is the time to stop thinking and start doing.

The whole process from owning no Altcoins to having your own portfolio should take a combined total of 3 hours. It’s that easy.

This may be one of the smallest and easiest books to read in the short history of Cryptocurrencies but it may also prove to be the most valuable.

Getting your Altcoin Portfolio this early on in the game may be what makes the future a little bit brighter for a lot of us. If you can see the potential of Cryptocoins / Altcoins now, then like us, the future is looking very exciting.

Here, we will only scratch the surface so you can just glimpse the glint of gold. But you will have enough info once reading this to start your journey into Cryptocurrency investment.

This little book should take you about 30 – 60 minutes to read (about an average train journey to work in the morning),

Start your own Altcoin portfolio TODAY.

It all starts here…..

If you need to know the technical data then you need to get online or buy another book. We are cutting through the BS and getting you onboard the Crypto/Altcoin train for as little as $20.

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How to Become a Bitcoin Millionaire: How to Start your Altcoin Portfolio Today for Under $100 (Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and Altcoin Investing) pdf download
How to Become a Bitcoin Millionaire: How to Start your Altcoin Portfolio Today for Under $100 (Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and Altcoin Investing) pdf download
Blockchain: The Blockchain For Beginners Guide To Blockchain Technology And Leveraging Blockchain Programming by Josh Thompsons pdf download

Want To Know How You Can Benefit From Blockchain? Are You Looking To Program Your Own Smart Contracts?

Yes, this book is an invitation for beginners to better understand the business potential of the blockchain, and for business minded people to grasp the many facets of the technology with this blockchain guide.

Blockchain is the technology of the future. It has been accepted by almost all the governments of the world. Blockchain represents the Internet of tomorrow where everything from banks and offices, schools and institutions will only communicate through this growing technology. Through Blockchain: The Blockchain for Beginners Guide to Blockchain Technology and Leveraging Blockchain Programming, you will learn why the Blockchain is important and how it changes our lives. You can get to know the technology that drives the Blockchain and develop an insight on how to use it further.

The Definitive Pioneering Blueprint Covering The Why And How Of The Blockchain

Blockchain: The Blockchain For Beginners Guide To Blockchain Technology And Leveraging Blockchain Programming by Josh Thompsons pdf download

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Unlike the actual world contract, blockchain contracts are different inasmuch as they are executed using the code embedded in the blockchain. You will get tips on how you can make your Smart Contacts easy to understand and user-friendly. This book also covers some of the myths surrounding smart contracts and the reasons why they exist!

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Discover...

  • Basic Mechanics Of Blockchain

  • Pros And Cons

  • Uses For Blockchain

  • Examples Of Blockchain

  • Technical Mechanics And Implementation Of Blockchain Technology

The possibilities for utilizing blockchain technology are endless. With this book, you’re going to feel like you can tackle the topic of blockchain with ease as you go forward. When you read this book, you will learn:

  • Why Blockchain is important and what it means for the future of society

  • How Blockchain can be used for financial purposes

  • How Blockchain can be used for services beyond the financial sphere

  • Ways that you can start using Blockchain applications and services today

Blockchain: The Blockchain For Beginners Guide To Blockchain Technology And Leveraging Blockchain Programming by Josh Thompsons pdf download
Blockchain: The Blockchain For Beginners Guide To Blockchain Technology And Leveraging Blockchain Programming by Josh Thompsons pdf download
Ethereum: A look into the world of Ethereum and how to trade and invest this cryptocurrency! by Ben Abner pdf download
A brief yet detailed look into the world of Ethereum!

You’re about to discover how to... I want to thank you for downloading the book, Ethereum Trade and Investment. This book contains all the information that you need to know about Ethereum in a compact and to the point format. The book is targeted toward people who love to learn about investing, trade and new money making opportunities. The book begins with a look at what cryptocurrency is and how it all came about. This gives you an idea of the meteoric rise of Bitcoin and shows the potential opportunity that Ethereum holds. The book then goes into what Ethereum is and what you would need to start with this new cryptocurrency. As with any cryptocurrency, Ethereum has its advantages and disadvantages. I go into detail explaining these as I’ve invested in Bitcoin in the past. The book ends with final thoughts on where Ethereum could go and some general projections about this exciting cryptocurrency.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
  • A look into what cryptocurrency is.

  • What is Ethereum coin.

  • How to get Ethereum coin.

  • What you need to mine Ethereum and get started.

  • Ethereum trade pro’s and cons

  • Ethereum investing information.

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Ethereum: A look into the world of Ethereum and how to trade and invest this cryptocurrency! by Ben Abner pdf download
A look into the world of Ethereum and how to trade and invest this cryptocurrency
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Blockchain: The History, Mechanics, Technical Implementation And Powerful Uses of Blockchain Technology by Matthew Adams pdf download

Blockchain is a wonderful application for anybody that has a business, especially if your business has an online presence. Inside the book you will discover proven steps and strategies on how to use Blockchain to improve your digital business, not only in finance, but in several other areas as well! Inside “Blockchain: The History, Mechanics, Technical Implementation and Powerful Uses of Blockchain Technology”, you will find innovative methods by which your ways of handling business will be changed forever!

Going through the book, you will be able to rapidly get a strong grasp of 

  • The Basic Mechanics

  • Short History of Blockchain

  • The Good and The Bad of Blockchain

  • The Many Uses For Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin, Fintech, and Other Financial Technology

  • The Technical Knowledge To Build Your Own

  • Additional Blockchain Programming and Technical Mechanics

  • Have A Better and Deeper Understanding of Blockchain

   And So Much More!

Blockchain: The History, Mechanics, Technical Implementation And Powerful Uses of Blockchain Technology by Matthew Adams pdf download

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This book will give you the unique approach to the information you seek in a digestible and easy-to-follow format! Previous knowledge of technical subjects will help you grasp this blockchain guide material and put it to use!

When you’re finished reading it you should have a sound idea of what Blockchain is. You will learn how it may affect many aspects of your future life and the decisions that you make!

Don’t look any further! Purchase “Blockchain: The History, Mechanics, Technical Implementation and Powerful Uses of Blockchain Technology” right away and learn the technology that will reshape the world around you!

Investing in Ethereum: The Essential Guide to Profiting from Cryptocurrencies by Jeff Reed pdf download

Learn What You Need to Know About Investing in Ethereum!

In this book, Jeff Reed explains the reasons to invest in Ethereum and not just because of the potential ROI, but also the benefits of cryptocurrencies in themselves. The overall risks, obstacles, and major changes in Ethereum will also be addressed. There are over 1,000 cryptocurrencies that currently exist, it’s important to choose wisely and understand everything you can if you’re going to be putting real money into the blockchain. When you’re done with this book, you will have both a broader and more detailed understanding of everything Ethereum and beyond.

This book will introduce you to the basics of Investing in Ethereum. You will learn:

  • The fundamentals of Ethereum

  • The pros and cons of investing in Ethereum

  • The process of investing in Ethereum

  • Understanding smart contracts

  • And much more...

Investing in Ethereum: The Essential Guide to Profiting from Cryptocurrencies by Jeff Reed pdf download

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Blockchain: Step By Step Guide To Understanding The Blockchain Revolution And The Technology Behind It by Mark Smith pdf download
Unearth the World-Changing Secrets of Blockchain Technology

Click the Read More button to delve into the fascinating world of Bitcoin, digital currency, and the blockchain revolution!

Inside Blockchain: Understanding the Blockchain Revolution and the Technology Behind It, you’ll find out what blockchains are, how we use them today, and their potential for changing the banking industry as we know it!

Read Blockchain for FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

In simple, easy-to-understand language, this book explains how blockchains can be used by public and private organizations. This technology will rock the financial world – and reach far beyond!

You'll also get a spacial FREE Bonus:The CPA Cash Machine - 16 step-by-step video training on how to get started with CPA marketing.

Don’t wait another second – learn about tomorrow’s financial technologies today. Get the timely information you need to beat your competition and profit from the fast-changing financial market.

Download your copy of Blockchain right away - it's fast and easy! Just scroll up and click the BUY NOW WITH ONE CLICK button on the right side of the screen.

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Blockchain: Step By Step Guide To Understanding The Blockchain Revolution And The Technology Behind It by Mark Smith pdf download
Blockchain: Step By Step Guide To Understanding The Blockchain Revolution And The Technology Behind It by Mark Smith pdf download

Get Access to Bitcoins Anonymously!

The world of currency is changing, moving away from the support of governments and banks who are able to mess with the currency as much as they want and onto online options of cryptocurrency. One of the most popular forms of cryptocurrency is bitcoin, and the different things that you can do with this form of currency are growing each day.

This guidebook is going to talk more about what bitcoin is, how it is the best option for you, and even how you can make money or purchases with complete anonymity with the help of bitcoin, especially if you are using the darknet marketplace.

Inside this guidebook, you will learn everything that you need to know to set up your own bitcoin accounts, earn more bitcoins, and even make purchases on the darknet marketplace. Some of the topics that we'll discuss include:

  • What is bitcoin and why is it so popular?

  • How to set up your bitcoin account and wallet

  • Finding the right exchanges, or people selling bitcoin, to get started.

  • How to use bitcoin as a payment method for your business or to earn money with trading and investing.

  • How to make purchases on darknet while remaining anonymous with the help of bitcoin.

  • And much more...

When you are ready to learn more about the amazing benefits of using bitcoin and how you will be able to shop and use them anywhere in the world, make sure to click the buy button on this page to get this guidebook and get started!

Bitcoin: How to Get, Send and Receive Bitcoins Anonymously by Evan Lane pdf download

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Bitcoin: How to Get, Send and Receive Bitcoins Anonymously by Evan Lane pdf download
Bitcoin: How to Get, Send and Receive Bitcoins Anonymously by Evan Lane pdf download
Blockchain: The Complete Guide to Understanding Blockchain Technology by Miles Price pdf download

Cryptocurrencies might be interesting, and there is even profit to be had if you do your own mining, but this pales in comparison to the numerous ways in which blockchain technology will change the way information is shared across the world.

There is no doubt that blockchain technology will become a central part of our lives over the next ten to fifteen years. Soon you will start to see large financial institutions use the technology to revamp the way that they create and are held to contracts. Blockchain will be massively disruptive for payment processors and credit cards. It is a very real possibility that not too long in the future a government will adopt blockchain as the underpinning of their official currency.

Blockchain has truly moved out of the realm of interesting and into the spotlight as a practical, powerful and necessary tool to facilitate information sharing in the twenty first century.

Blockchain: The Complete Guide to Understanding Blockchain Technology by Miles Price pdf download

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Blockchain: How Technologies Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money and Business by Mark Bresett ​pdf download

by Mark Bresett

Have you ever wondered about how computers and Internet technology are going to influence our society in the future? Have you ever thought about a world where humans do most of their shopping and financial planning from in front of a computer, instead of traveling to a bank or to another place of business? 
If you are looking for answers to these types of questions and want to be “in the know” about the type of technology that is dominating the forefront of technological innovation, then you have chosen the right book to read! 
Buy this book, Blockchain: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money and Business right now to start educating yourself about one of the most influential technologies that is being used to revolutionize the digital world as we know it. Blockchain technology could potentially make it possible for society to operate on primarily a digital platform like never before. Who wouldn’t want to learn more about this topic? 
This book will cover all of the basics that you should know about blockchain. This will eliminate the need for you to do additional research about the basics of blockchain and its future because all of the information will be consolidated for you in one place. 
After reading this book, the following information will have become accessible to you:

  • How bitcoin initially developed blockchain technology

  • Why blockchain is needed in our untrustworthy and increasingly skeptical world

  • How blockchain methodology works, including discussions on decentralization, public and private key cryptography, hash functions, and nonce numbers

  • How blockchain could potentially change the financial operations of the stock market

  • How blockchain can better non-financial institutions, such as through applications like Ethereum and Smart Contracts

You’re promised to learn about all of this and so much more! What are you waiting for? Get Blockchain: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money and Business as soon as possible! You definitely will not regret this highly informational purchase.

Blockchain: How Technologies Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money and Business by Mark Bresett ​pdf download

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Blockchain: How Technologies Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money and Business by Mark Bresett ​pdf download
The Internet of Money by Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download

While many books explain the how of bitcoin, The Internet of Money delves into the why of bitcoin. Acclaimed information-security expert and author of Mastering Bitcoin, Andreas M. Antonopoulos examines and contextualizes the significance of bitcoin through a series of essays spanning the exhilarating maturation of this technology.


Bitcoin, a technological breakthrough quietly introduced to the world in 2008, is transforming much more than finance. Bitcoin is disrupting antiquated industries to bring financial independence to billions worldwide. In this book, Andreas explains why bitcoin is a financial and technological evolution with potential far exceeding the label "digital currency."


Andreas goes beyond exploring the technical functioning of the bitcoin network by illuminating bitcoin's philosophical, social, and historical implications. As the internet has essentially transformed how people around the world interact and has permanently impacted our lives in ways we never could have imagined, bitcoin--the internet of money--is fundamentally changing our approach to solving social, political, and economic problems through decentralized technology.

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The Internet of Money by Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download
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Crypto Success: Investing in Cryptocurrency for the Long Term - Tips and Tricks by Pablo Lema pdf download

Seasoned Digital Currency entrepreneur, Pablo Lema (Tradcom SA, LPAL, Butter-Bot), takes us on a journey through the signs and signals that he looks for when investing in a new Cryptocurrency. Focused on long term investment, the book is short, concise, and to the point; it's wisdom is easy to absorb. Useful for those starting out in crypto, as well as a refresher course on the basics for seasoned investors.

Crypto Success: Investing in Cryptocurrency for the Long Term - Tips and Tricks by Pablo Lema pdf download

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Ethereum: Blockchains, Digital Assets, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations by Henning Diedrich pdf download
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Ethereum: Blockchains, Digital Assets, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations by Henning Diedrich pdf download

As IBM´s official liaison to the Ethereum core developers I gave talks on blockchain topics pretty much around the world. After one keynote I was asked for a non-technical guide to understand blockchains. This is it.

The book aims to help you get your head around blockchains in general and around Ethereum specifically. Since Ethereum is currently the pre-imminent blockchain, it makes sense as reference point. The essential stuff is the same for any blockchain.

This text was written for people with a fast grasp, who are not programmers. Reading this should give you the basics to cut through the hype and to identify blockchain opportunities in your professional domain. There are tiny bits of code, which can be admired and skipped.

We´ll look at Ethereum´s benefits first, how it is used and what can be done with it; then explain blockchain machinery, visiting the terms that you´ll be confronted with in every discussion about its application. Exactly what you need to tell the signal from the noise in the echo chamber of honest misunderstandings and desperate marketing.

We take a good hard look at limitations, throw in some history and names and give a realistic outlook.

The index reads like an FAQ and you can use the book like that. However, there is a strong build up, one chapter leading to the next, as optimized path to understanding all the interconnected, moving parts. There´s quite a number of them.

Blockchains are not a trivial topic. The fact that blockchain client programs are small has fooled many people into believing it can´t possibly be that hard. The challenges are in the implications though.

But what’s in this book will put you ahead of almost everyone outside the core bubble.

A deep dive into this field now – at least getting started – will help you to become part of the fun ahead. It should allow you to stand out, land deals or a great job.

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Ethereum: Blockchains, Digital Assets, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations by Henning Diedrich pdf download
Blockchain Applications: A Hands-On Approach by Arshdeep Bahga pdf download

We have written this textbook, as part of our expanding "A Hands-On Approach"(TM) series, to serve as a textbook for senior-level and graduate-level courses on financial and regulation technologies, business analytics, Internet of Things, and cryptocurrency. This book is also written for use within industries in the FinTech and RegTech space that may be interested in rolling out products and services that utilize this new area of technology. An accompanying website for this book contains additional support for instruction and learning (

The book is organized into three main parts, comprising a total of ten chapters. Part I provides an introduction to blockchain concepts, design patterns, and architectures for blockchain applications. A blockchain stack comprising a decentralized computation platform, a decentralized messaging platform, and a decentralized storage platform is described. While in this book we describe a specific realization of the blockchain stack based on the Ethereum blockchain platform, the same blockchain concepts can be applied to other blockchain platforms as well, such as Eris and Multichain. The blockchain stack and application design methodology form the pedagogical foundation of this book. Part II introduces the readers to tools and platforms for blockchain, such as Geth, PyEthApp, TestRPC, Mist Ethereum Wallet, MetaMask, Web3 JavaScript API and the Truffle Dapp framework. Implementation examples of various smart contracts and decentralized applications (Dapps) are provided. An in-depth study of the consensus mechanism in a blockchain network, the steps involved in mining, mining proof of work algorithm, and state storage in Ethereum are provided. The reader is introduced to the Whisper decentralized messaging platform and Swarm decentralized storage platform. Part III focuses on advanced topics such as the security and scalability related challenges for the blockchain platforms.

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Blockchain Applications: A Hands-On Approach by Arshdeep Bahga pdf download
Blockchain Applications: A Hands-On Approach by Arshdeep Bahga pdf download
Investing in Ethereum: The Ultimate Guide to Learning-and Profiting from-Cryptocurrencies by Oscar Flynt pdf download

Ethereum is now one of the hottest platforms to trade cryptocurrency on today. It’s growing by leaps and bounds every day, and it offers a different range of services that Bitcoin just doesn’t deliver. It’s also fairly simple to understand and is a low to no cost system to start on. 
Now, in this book, you’ll get the inside look at this new and virtually untapped network--. You’ll learn all about Ethereum, it’s amazing benefits, its relationship to bitcoin, its decentralized nature, and the potential pitfalls to watch out for. 

When you’re done reading this book, you’ll have a firm grasp of Ethereum—along with the knowledge to know if it’s right for you. 

You’ll also discover how to get started with investing in Ethereum, and the practical side of things that most books on this topic dance around. 


When you Download Investing in Ethereum today, you’ll also learn:

  • How Ethereum works with regard to blockchain

  • The latest changes to the Ethereum network

  • How there are less restraints to investing in Ethereum than there are with Bitcoin

  • Insights to smart contracts and the way they are used

  • How to start and manage your own network campaigns

  • How Ethereum could be inflation proof

  • The nature of Ethereum’s currency, Ether

  • A list of other cryptocurrencies you can trade and add to your portfolio

  • How to prevent cyber hacking and safeguard your digital currency

  • An addendum with additional resources

  • And much, much more!

Download your copy today! 


Right now, Ethereum is still in its infancy stages. Those who get in now could reap the rewards much like early internet investors did. This platform is autonomous, decentralized, and could have enormous potential. 

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Investing in Ethereum: The Ultimate Guide to Learning-and Profiting from-Cryptocurrencies by Oscar Flynt pdf download
Investing in Ethereum: The Ultimate Guide to Learning-and Profiting from-Cryptocurrencies by Oscar Flynt pdf download
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Blockchain For Dummies by Tiana Laurence pdf download

Find out what Blockchain is, how it works, and what it can do for you Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin, the revolutionary 'virtual currency' that's changing the way people do business. While Bitcoin has enjoyed some well-deserved hype, Blockchain may be Bitcoin's most vital legacy. Blockchain For Dummies is the ideal starting place for business pros looking to gain a better understanding of what Blockchain is, how it can improve the integrity of their data, and how it can work to fundamentally change their business and enhance their data security.

Blockchain For Dummies covers the essential things you need to know about this exciting technology's promise of revolutionizing financial transactions, data security, and information integrity. The book covers the technologies behind Blockchain, introduces a variety of existing Blockchain solutions, and even walks you through creating a small but working Blockchain-based application.

Blockchain holds the promise to revolutionize a wide variety of businesses. Get in the know about Blockchain now with Blockchain For Dummies and be ready to make the changes to business that your colleagues and competitors will later wish they'd done. Discover ten ways Blockchain can change business

  • Find out how to apply a Blockchain solution

  • See how to make data more secure

  • Learn how to work with vendors

Filled with vital information and tips on how this paradigm-changing technology can transform your business for the better, this book will not only show you Blockchain's full potential, but your own as well!

Blockchain For Dummies by Tiana Laurence pdf download

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Blockchain For Dummies by Tiana Laurence pdf download
Ethereum - Distributed Consensus by Alex Leverington pdf download

Ethereum is a decentralised, public, open-source blockchain that runs smart contracts; applications that run as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Its native cryptocurrency is called Ether. It is used to pay for the execution of these smart contracts. This book is a concise chronological history of the events from the inception of Ethereum to the 17th March 2017. 

Major topics covered in this book include: 
Initial publication of the Ethereum Whitepaper in 2013. 
Formal announcement at the North American Bitcoin Conference in 2014. 
Funds raised for development during the “Genesis Sale” in 2014. 
DEVCON-0 took place in Berlin, Germany in 2014. 
Frontier was the first live release of the blockchain in the summer of 2015. 
DEVCON1 took place at the Gibson Hall in London, UK in 2015. 
Homestead was the first production ready release and the first hard fork. 
The drama of The DAO occurred in the summer of 2016. 
DEVCON2 took place at the Hyatt on the Bund in Shanghai, China. 
Two further hard forks to resolve the persistent DoS attacks in autumn 2016. 
Interest from institutional investors and global corporate enterprises. 
A market capitalisation surge in late winter 2016/17.

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Ethereum - Distributed Consensus by Alex Leverington pdf download
Ethereum - Distributed Consensus by Alex Leverington pdf download
Ethereum Programming by Alex Leverington  pdf download

Key Features

  • Get the first ever book on Ethereum, the most popular framework to build Blockchain applications

  • Build powerful, real business applications in Blockchain

  • Learn with the aid of real examples, scenarios, and clear, demystifying explanations

Book Description

Ethereum is a decentralized platform based on blockchain technology. Using Ethereum, anybody can build reliable, decentralized applications and bypass dangerous single points of failure inherent within a central data store. As a transactional platform, you can use Ethereum to create applications of all kinds -crowdfunding, cryptocurrencies, messaging, file sharing, smart contracts, and more. Ethereum blockchain applications are 100% reliable and secured with cryptographic integrity with no downtime and no possibility of tampering.

This book shows you how to build decentralized, resilient, unstoppable apps with Ethereum. We'll start with the basics, what ether is and how to acquire and use it, what DApps are and how they're relevant for developers and businesses of all sizes. Then we dive straight into examples that explore the concepts. Moving on, we'll design and build powerful, unstoppable applications that use Ethereum for their state storage. Finally, you'll see how to test and launch your app to provide resilient, unstoppable, reliable services to your users.

Ethereum Programming by Alex Leverington  pdf download

What you will learn

  • Understand the building blocks of blockchains and blockchain applications

  • Find out how to write and deploy powerful Ethereum smart contracts

  • Acquire the key Ethereum concepts to unleash the emergent potential of Ethereum

  • Understand the transformative power of blockchain technology for world commerce

  • Build and deploy real financial applications and implement autonomous finance

  • Work through the industrial use case tutorials such as IoT and supply chain management

  • Master smart contract development with the help of advanced blockchain tools and technologies

  • Explore the future developments of the field

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Blockchain: Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investing in Ethereum, FinTech by Jeff Reed pdf download

Blockchain: The Essential Guide to Understanding the Blockchain Revolution

Blockchain technology is the buzzword in the world of computer science, but it won’t stay limited there for long. It is the concept that has the financial world scrambling to catch up. Whether you are an investor or a private citizen, Blockchain is going to mean a lot to you in the future, hailed by some as the second coming of the Internet. So what is it? And what can you do to get involved?

Blockchain is far more than Bitcoin technology, and even in its infancy, it is taking the world by storm, from major banks to the U.S. Department of Defense. Get in on the disruptive technology and harness its potential today.

Smart Contracts: The Essential Guide to Using Blockchain Smart Contracts for Cryptocurrency Exchange

In this book, Jeff Reed explains the fundamentals of Smart Contracts and how they work. The practical uses of Smart Contracts are enumerated in this book and you will also learn how you can make your own Smart Contracts in the Ethereum system. You will also get tips on how you can make your Smart Contacts easy to understand and user-friendly. This book also covers some of the myths surrounding smart contracts and the reasons why they exist.

Investing in Ethereum: The Essential Guide to Profiting from Cryptocurrencies

In this book, Jeff Reed explains the reasons to invest in Ethereum and not just because of the potential ROI, but also the benefits of cryptocurrencies in themselves. The overall risks, obstacles, and major changes in Ethereum will also be addressed. There are over 1,000 cryptocurrencies that currently exist, it’s important to choose wisely and understand everything you can if you’re going to be putting real money into the blockchain. When you’re done with this book, you will have both a broader and more detailed understanding of everything Ethereum and beyond.

FinTech: Financial Technology and Modern Finance in the 21st Century Investment in financial technology is booming at unprecedented rates. Despite traditional banking protests, the world of banking is going through a transformation and will continue to go through a change. With all the new technology that we have today, it is almost mind-blowing to think about the kind of technology that we will have in another ten years or so. The change is going to keep coming, the only thing we can do is get on board with it.

Blockchain: Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investing in Ethereum, FinTech by Jeff Reed pdf download

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Blockchain Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investing in Ethereum, FinTech by Jeff Reed pdf download
Introducing Ethereum and Solidity by Chris Dannen pdf download
Introducing Ethereum and Solidity by Chris Dannen pdf download
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Learn how to use Solidity and the Ethereum project – second only to Bitcoin in market capitalization. Blockchain protocols are taking the world by storm, and the Ethereum project, with its Turing-complete scripting language Solidity, has rapidly become a front-runner. This book presents the blockchain phenomenon in context; then situates Ethereum in a world pioneered by Bitcoin.

See why professionals and non-professionals alike are honing their skills in smart contract patterns and distributed application development. You'll review the fundamentals of programming and networking, alongside its introduction to the new discipline of crypto-economics. You'll then deploy smart contracts of your own, and learn how they can serve as a back-end for JavaScript and HTML applications on the Web.

Many Solidity tutorials out there today have the same flaw: they are written for “advanced” JavaScript developers who want to transfer their skills to a blockchain environment. Introducing Ethereum and Solidity is accessible to technology professionals and enthusiasts of all levels. You’ll find exciting sample code that can move forward real world assets in both the academic and the corporate arenas. Find out now why this book is a powerful gateway for creative technologists of all types, from concept to deployment.

What You’ll Learn

  • See how Ethereum (and other cryptocurrencies) work

  • Compare distributed apps (dapps) to web apps

  • Write Ethereum smart contracts in Solidity 

  • Connect Ethereum smart contracts to your HTML/CSS/JavaScript web applications

  • Deploy your own dapp, coin, and blockchain

  • Work with basic and intermediate smart contracts

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Introducing Ethereum and Solidity by Chris Dannen pdf download
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Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps by Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download

If you’re looking to get started with the Ethereum protocol—or are among the many open source developers, integrators, and system administrators already working with this platform—Mastering Ethereum is the definitive book on the topic. Authors Gavin Wood and Andreas Antonopoulos provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations on the Ethereum blockchain.


By bridging the world of cloud computing, grid computing, and blockchains, Ethereum has create a massive decentralized computing platform that many people are calling a "world computer." Ethereum has also spawned a rapidly growing ecosystem of software startups vying to build decentralized applications, known as "dapps".


With this practical guide, you’ll learn how to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract), and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middle man or counterparty risk.


Discover why IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, and other organizations have announced interest and/or development in this Turing-complete decentralized computing platform with Mastering Ethereum.

Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps by Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download

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Mastering Ethereum Building Smart Contracts and Dapps by Andreas M. Antonopoulos pdf download
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