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The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is certainly one of the most interesting creations in the past 20 years. I feel that it's a look into the future where a real global economy could exist. Sadly, though, we sit idle at the gate afraid to leave the blocks. A problem with Bitcoin is that the planet itself is in far too much duress to agree on something as widely important as currency. Until there is a more widespread consensus on other topics, Bitcoin will remain an underground currency used by many hopeful people. As we have seen and is clearly pointed out in this documentary, Bitcoin became a novelty that is publicly traded as if it were stake in a corporation and that has done nothing of value - no pun in intended - for the currency itself. The documentary follows someone who truly believes in the power of Bitcoin as he interviews an eclectic hodgepodge of figures ranging from important advocates to those who are clearly involved to cash out - treating this as nothing more than a publicly traded stock. It ends very poorly by creating tons of questions and doing absolutely nothing to answer them other than showing outtakes as the credits roll.

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